Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Service (the "Agreement") set forth the terms and conditions that apply to your access and use of the internet websites owned and operated by TheBox (“theBox”, "we", "our" or "us"). The Websites, the App, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Websites or the App, whether as a guest or registered user, are referred to collectively as the "Services". This Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you and TheBox.

Please review this Agreement carefully before you download or use the Services in whole or in part. By downloading or using the Services, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Agreement or to apply for consideration, or to subscribe, or to similar functionality when such option is made available to you, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and acknowledge our Privacy Policy and all other policies posted on the Services or otherwise provided by us, as they may be amended from time to time in the future. All of these policies, as amended, are hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement.

We may update this Agreement or the Privacy Policy at any time, without notification to you. You should review this Agreement and the Privacy Policy each time you access the Services. Your continued use of the Services shall be deemed irrevocable acceptance of any such revisions. Before you continue, you should print or save a local copy of this Agreement and the Privacy Policy for your records. You should periodically check the "Last Updated" date at the top of this document to familiarise yourself with the most recent version of this Agreement.

If you do not agree to this Agreement, you must not set up any account on or through TheBox or any of the Websites, the App, or otherwise access or use the Services in whole or in part.

theBoxlab is the operator of the theBoxlab website and party to all contracts with the theBoxlab.

1. Ability to Use the Websites, App, and Services

The Services are available only to users who have reached the legal age of majority in their jurisdiction and are not under the age of 18. The Services are not directed to and must not be accessed or otherwise used by individuals under the age of 18. The Services are offered and available only to users who are 18 years of age or older and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement, and to abide by and comply with this Agreement. By using the Services, you represent and warrant that you meet all the eligibility requirements contained herein. If you do not meet all such requirements, you must not access or use the Services. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are legally eligible to enter into this Agreement under any laws applicable to you in your jurisdiction of residence or otherwise. If you accept this Agreement, you represent that you have the capacity to be bound by it. If you are under the age of 18 or are not of the age of majority or otherwise legally eligible to be bound by this Agreement, you may not use any of the Services.

2. Your Profile Information and Account

You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password which, together with your email address, allows you to access certain content and functionality on or through the Services. That email address and password, together with any or other user information you provide, form your "Profile Information" and allow you to access your account ("Account"). You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself and to immediately provide updated information as your circumstances change. You must not misrepresent your Profile Information.

Your right to access and use the Services is personal to you and is not transferable by you to any other person or entity. You agree not to disclose your password to any third party. You are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your Account or under your Profile Information. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your Account or Profile Information, you are responsible for notifying us immediately. By providing us with your email address, you agree to receive all required notices electronically, to that email address. It is your responsibility to update or change your e-mail address, as appropriate.

3. Submission of Content

The Services may require or enable you to provide or upload content, including but not limited to text, images, video, data, name, email address, contact information, phone number, title, birthdate, location, Startup state, industry, revenue, year founded, funding status, work experience, education experience, goals, requests, commitments, and other information or content, (collectively, "Content"), to us for the purpose of providing the Services or otherwise on or through the Services. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all Content you submit, provide or upload and any consequences of submitting, providing, or uploading it, and represent that all such Content is accurate, current, and complete, including without limitation all requests, goals, notes and commitments submitted or otherwise made in or to a Founder Group or member or moderator thereof, or otherwise on or through the Services. We will use Content you upload in connection with providing the Services to you, to maintain and operate the Services, to cooperate with any governmental investigation or as required by law or legal or administrative process, and to protect the rights and property of TheBox, its users and other third parties. You represent and warrant that you own all Content you provide, upload, or otherwise make available on or through the Services, and have all the necessary licences, rights, consents and permissions to grant the licences and rights set forth herein, and that such Content, its provision to us or use or access thereof by us, any user, or other third party, or otherwise on or through the Services will not violate the copyrights, privacy rights, publicity rights, trademark rights, contract rights or any other intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, or be likely to deceive any person.

Without limiting the foregoing, if you apply for consideration to participate in or otherwise participate in a Founder Group, or otherwise interact with a Founder Group or member or moderator thereof, you acknowledge your Content includes all content you provide or upload or otherwise make available orally, in writing, or otherwise as part of a Founder Group or otherwise to a Founder Group or member or moderator thereof, including without limitation during any Founder Group meeting, video or other calls, or otherwise on or through the Services, and you represent that you have all rights in the Content you provide, upload or otherwise make available to a Founder Group or member or moderator thereof, for the purpose provided, and that the Founder Group, each member or moderator thereof, and we and our affiliates, service providers, and contractors, may use such Content as set forth in this Agreement and otherwise for the purpose provided. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary and without limiting our rights hereunder, you represent we, our contractors and service providers may access and use all Content you provide, upload or otherwise make available to a Founder Group or member or moderator thereof or otherwise on or through the Services to provide the Services and as otherwise provided herein, and that the Founder Group and each member or moderator thereof may access and use such Content as provided herein and otherwise for the purpose provided. You also represent that you will only access or use Content as expressly provided in this Agreement, and in the event, you access or otherwise obtain Content on or through a Founder Group or from a member or moderator thereof, you will only access and use such content for the purpose provided.

We are an interactive computer service platform, not a publisher. We are solely an intermediary for the Content of users we have no responsibilities for and no obligation to monitor Content for appropriateness, accuracy or otherwise, and do not recommend or endorse, any Content posted, uploaded, or otherwise made available by users or third parties, on or through the Service. The Content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TheBox.

We retain the right to use or distribute any Aggregated Data generated by our customers or users or otherwise on or through the Services. "Aggregated Data" means records which have been stripped of information potentially identifying Services users, and which have been manipulated or combined to provide generalised, anonymous information. Aggregated Data will not disclose you as the source or subject of the information. We retain the right to take appropriate legal action, including without limitation, referral to law enforcement, for any illegal or unauthorised use of the Services, and to disclose your identity or other information about you to any third party or governmental authority who claims that Content or other material posted by you violates their rights, including their intellectual property rights or their right to privacy, or applicable law.

Without limiting the foregoing, we have the right to cooperate fully with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or other information of anyone posting any Content or other materials on or through the Services. You waive and hold harmless TheBox and its Affiliates, Successors-In-Interest, Licensees, and Service Providers, and Contractors from any claim resulting from any action taken by any of the foregoing parties during, or taken as a consequence of investigation by such parties or Law Enforcement Authorities.

4. Intellectual Property Rights

As between us and you, all right, title, interest and ownership and intellectual property rights in and to the trademarks and the Services, including but not limited to its "look and feel" (e.g., text, graphics, images, logos, buttons, icons and the placement and layout thereof), images, video, audio, data, Content, Software (including html-based computer programs) and other media, material or information, other than user Content, are and will remain the property of TheBox or its Software or Content suppliers. The Services are protected under South African and international law of copyright, trademark, patent and other laws.

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, we grant to you, during the term of this Agreement, a personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited-purpose right to access the Services that are subject to a valid Subscription.

You acknowledge that any ideas, suggestions, concepts, processes or techniques (other than your Content) which you provide to us related to the Services or our business ("Feedback") shall become our property without any compensation or other consideration payable to you or any third party by us, and you do so of your own free will and volition. We may or may not, in our sole discretion, use or incorporate the Feedback (in whatever form or derivative we may decide) into the Services, its Software, Services, documentation, business or other products, or any future versions or derivatives of the foregoing, or other Services. You hereby assign all rights on a worldwide basis in perpetuity to us in any Feedback and, as applicable, waive any moral rights.

We own any test results, data information and other output (other than your Content) generated by your or any other use of the Services during the term of this Agreement. You may not disclose to any third party any test results or performance information regarding the Services, whether generated by you, us or a third party, except where expressly permitted.

5. Confidential Information

You agree to safeguard, keep secret and not to disclose to any third party, any confidential information acquired, learned or provided from us, any user, or otherwise on or through the Services during the term of this Agreement or following the expiration or termination of this Agreement. "Confidential Information" means any non-public information marked confidential or that ought reasonably to be considered confidential under the circumstances and includes, without limitation, any business plans, customer lists, operation procedures, trade secrets, design formulas and programming code, know-how and processes, computer programs, technical documentation and data, and inventions, discoveries, and improvements of any kinds.

6. Acceptable Use and Conduct:

You agree that that you will not publish, post, upload or otherwise make available any Content that (or promotes or links to content or materials that), use the Services in a manner that, or use Content or other information obtained from or through the Services (including without limitation, email addresses) in a manner that:

  • Infringes, violates or misappropriates any third party's intellectual property or proprietary rights.
  • Contains Software Viruses, Trojan horses, worms, Easter eggs, spyware, malware, or any other computer code, files or programs that are designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment or that are designed to access, disclose, monitor or destroy data without authorization.
  • In any way that violates any applicable, federal, state, local, or international law or regulation (including, without limitation, any laws regarding the export of data or software to and from the SA or other countries), or this Agreement.
  • Engages in spamming, "chain letters", "pyramid schemes", advertisement of illegal or controlled products or services, or other advertising or marketing activities that violate this Agreement, the Privacy Policy or any applicable laws, regulations or generally accepted advertising or marketing industry guidelines;
  • is misleading, deceptive or fraudulent or otherwise illegal or promotes illegal activities, including engaging in phishing or otherwise obtaining financial or other personal information in a misleading manner or for fraudulent or misleading purposes;
  • is libellous or defamatory, or that is otherwise threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful to any person or entity, or is invasive of another's privacy; collects personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen (13), or any user or other individual or household;
  • is harmful to minors in any way;
  • is hateful or discriminatory based on race, colour, sex, religion, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or age or is otherwise objectionable, as reasonably determined by us;
  • impersonates a TheBox employee, or any other person, or falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with any person or entity, for any reason, including to obtain access to the Services or a portion thereof without proper authorization;
  • interferes or attempts to interfere with the proper working of the Services or prevents others from using the Services, or in a manner that disrupts the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages (flooding attack) to the Services, or that otherwise negatively affects other persons' ability to use the Services, or inadvertently or intentionally disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of the Services or any other site or system in use by another user of the Services;
  • uses any manual or automated means, including agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to monitor or copy the Services or the information or content contained therein (including any form of e-mail address harvesting);
  • facilitates the unlawful distribution of copyrighted Content;
  • licences, sublicenses, rents or leases the Services to third parties, uses the Services for third party training, commercial time-sharing or service bureau use, or otherwise makes the Services available to third parties or commercially exploits the Services;
  • includes personal or identifying information about another person in a manner that employs misleading email or IP addresses, or forged headers or otherwise manipulated identifiers, in order to disguise the origin of Content transmitted through the Services to users;
  • stalks or otherwise harasses anyone on or through the Services or with information obtained from or through the Services;
  • constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation to users who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products or commercial interests (including, without limitation, any form of spamming);
  • collects, uses or discloses data, including personal information, about users without their informed consent or for unlawful purposes or in violation of applicable law or regulations;
  • requests, solicits or otherwise obtains access to usernames, passwords or other authentication credentials from any user of the Services for the purposes of automating logins to the Services;
  • attempts to gain unauthorised access to the computer systems of the Services or engage in any activity that disrupts, diminishes the quality of, interferes with the performance of, or impairs the functionality of the Services;
  • contains adult or pornographic content;
  • decompiles or reverse engineers or attempts to access the source code of the software underlying the Services, or any other technology, or that merges or combines any such software or technology with any other data or materials to form a new product or service;copies, archives, stores, reproduces, rearranges, modifies, downloads, uploads, creates derivative works from, displays, performs, publishes, distributes, redistributes or disseminates all or any part of the Services;
  • accesses the Services for the purposes of building a product using similar ideas, features, functions, interface or graphics as those found in the Services;
  • accesses the Services for the purposes of monitoring its availability, performance or functionality, or for any other benchmarking or competitive purposes;
  • accesses the Services to upload any Content or computer code for the purposes of: (i) causing a breach of security to the Services; (ii) interfering with the proper working, functionality or performance of the Services; or (iii) preventing others from accessing or using the Services; or
  • promotes any business or business activity other than the launch of the business that is the stated purpose of your launch page (including creating a launch page for a fictitious business, product, service or event in order to create a marketing list by collecting email addresses).
  • 7. Disclaimer of Warranties

    Your use of the Service and all Content forming part of or related to or otherwise made available on or through the Services, including any content, without any Content, without limitation of any Content you or any user or third party upload or submit or otherwise make available and any third party Software and other Content, are at your sole responsibility and risk. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Services are provided on an “as is' ' and “as available” basis. The Content and other information presented or otherwise made available on or through the Services is made available on or through the Service solely for general information purposes. We expressly disclaim all representation, warranties, or conditions of any kind with respect to the Services, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, completeness, performance, system integration, quiet enjoyment. title and non-infringement.

    We disclaim any warranty that the Services or any Content, including without limiting any third party Software and Content, will meet your requirements or the requirements of anyone who may be informed of the of the Services or Content, or that the Services or any Content will be uninterrupted, timely, current, secure, error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Services or the Servers that makes the Services available are free of Viruses or other harmful components or destructive code. The Services and Content may be out of Date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update the Services or any Content. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for Anti-Virus protection and accuracy of Data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to our Services for any reconstruction of your lost Content or other Data.

    You agree that from time to time we may remove the Services for indefinite periods of time without notice to you. Your access and use of the Services may be interrupted from time to time for any of several reasons, including, without, limitation, the malfunction of equipment, the failure of third-party Service providers, periodic updating, maintenance or repair of the Services or other actions that we, in our sole discretion, may elect to take, as well as the malicious actions of hackers and other third parties. We make no guarantee regarding: (A) The amount, timing and delivery of any clicks or impressions with respect to any Content (including third party Content) or advertising on the Service, (B) The response to or degree of interest in your Business plan; or (C) The compatibility of your Software, Hardware or Content with the Services. To the fullest extent provided by Law, neither we nor any person associated with TheBox will be liable for any Content or use thereof, or any loss or damage caused by a Distributed Denial-Of-Service-Attack, Viruses, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs or other devices, data, or other proprietary material due to your use of the Services or items or data obtained on or through the Services, any website or application linked to or through the Services.

    We are not responsible for the acts or omissions of, or, for the failing of, any third party provider of any Content, Services, Network, Software, or Hardware, including but not limited to, Internet Service Providers, Hosting Services utilised by TheBox, Telecommunication Providers, Vendors, or Content provided by other users, or any Software or Hardware not provided by us.

    You are solely responsible for ensuring that all the Content is uploaded. provided, or otherwise made available or accessed or used by you is compatible with the Services and all applicable law, and that you have all rights in or to such Content including without limiting all rights necessary to upload, provide and otherwise make such Content available or use on or through the Services, and you represent that such Content is not subject to confidentiality or other restriction, and that your use of the Content and the use by us and Content, and the use by us and other users will not violate any applicable law or agreement. You acknowledge we disclaim any liability for unauthorised use of your Content by third parties or other users of the Services and we are not responsible for protecting your Content.

    Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of Services is done at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or other device or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us or through or from the Services shall create any Warranty not expressly stated in this agreement.

    The Services are offered and controlled by TheBox from its facilities in South Africa. TheBox makes no representations that the Service are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who access or use the Service from other Jurisdictions do so at their own volition and are responsible for compliance with local Law.

    8. Third Party Sites and Content

    The Services may permit you to link to other websites, apps, or resources on the Internet, and other websites, apps, or resources may contain links to the Services. These other websites are not under our control, and you acknowledge that we are not responsible or liable for any third party content, products or services, including but not limited to the accuracy, integrity, quality, usefulness, legality, appropriateness, safety or intellectual property rights of or relating to such third party content, products or services or any other aspect of such websites or resources. The inclusion of any such link does not imply endorsement by us or any association with its operators. You further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such third party content, goods or services available on or through any such website or resource. Access and use of third party sites, including the information, material, products and Services on third party sites or available through third party sites, is solely at your own risk.

    9. Limitation of Liability

    You agree that, under no Legal Theory, including, but not limited to negligence, Breach of Warranty or Condition, Breach of Contract or Tort, shall TheBox, its Affiliates, or any of its or their respective owners, Investors, Contractors, Officers, Directors, Members, Managers, Partners, Shareholders, Licencers, Suppliers, Customers, Employees or Agents, be liable to you or any third party acting on your behalf for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses or the cost of any substitute equipment, facilities or Services (Even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), arising from or relating to this agreement or your use of or your inability to use the Services, or for any direct damages arising from or related to this agreement, the Services, or any subscription exceeding the lesser of: (A).......; And (B) The total amounts you paid to us in the twelve (12) Months immediately preceding the occurrence of loss or damage. To the extent any Province, State or Jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability as provided in this paragraph, our liability in such Province, State, or Jurisdiction shall be limited to the extent permitted by Law.

    Without limiting the foregoing, the foregoing limitation shall also apply with respect to any damages incurred by reason of any Content or Services provided by any users and any third parties other than us and received by you through the Services. You also agree that we will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any interaction or dealings with Advertisers, the presence of such Advertisers on or through the Services, or any Content or Services received by you on any third party sites. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Services, or any portion thereof, with or without notice at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, a failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement. In addition, we may at any time, with or without notice, suspend or terminate your Account and your ability to access the Services and your Content and data, if we, in our sole and absolute discretion, believes that you have violated the terms of this Agreement or applicable law or that you are engaging in activity that may harm the Services, us, our reputation, our customers or users, or other third parties; in such event, we may immediately delete your Content and data. We shall have no liability whatsoever for any damages, liabilities, losses or any other consequences that you may incur as a result of any such modification, suspension, termination, discontinuance or deletion.

    10. Indemnity

    You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless TheBox, its affiliates and their respective owners, investors, contractors, officers, directors, members, managers, partners, shareholders, licensors, suppliers, customers, employees, agents, third-party advertisers, technology providers and service providers from and against any loss, damage, cost, or liability (including, reasonable attorneys' fees) resulting from or relating in any way to any claim, demand, action or proceeding or that that otherwise arises out of or relates to this Agreement, the Services, or any Content, including but not limited to in relation to:
    (a) your use, non-use or misuse of, or connection to the Services, the Services and any Content (including without limitation your Content and any third party or other user Content) forming part of or otherwise obtained or provided on or through the Services; (b) your breach or alleged breach of this Agreement; (c) your violation of any rights, including without limitation contractual or intellectual property rights, of us, a user or other third party; (c) your violation or alleged violation of any laws; or (d) your use or exploitation of any Content or other information obtained from or through the Services (including, without limitation, any use or transfer of e-mail addresses or telephone or other device numbers or identifiers). We reserve the right, at your expense, to assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter for which you are required to indemnify us, and you agree to cooperate with our defence of these claims. You agree not to settle any matter without the prior written consent of TheBox. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any such claim, action or proceeding upon becoming aware of it. This Agreement shall not create any third party beneficiary rights.

    11. Cancellation and Termination

    We reserve the right at any time, and without cost, charge or liability, to terminate this Agreement at its sole discretion for any reason, including, but not limited to, a failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement. Notice of termination will be provided to the e-mail address you currently have on file with us. We also reserve the right to deny access to anyone, including, but not limited to those users who use proxy servers and/or IP addresses residing in certain geographical areas of South Africa. We reserve the right to terminate any portion of the Services at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

    12. Miscellaneous

    If there is any dispute between you and us about or involving this Agreement or the Services, you hereby agree that the dispute shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of South Africa, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts located in South Africa with respect to any claim, proceeding or action relating to or otherwise arising out of this Agreement or the Services, howsoever arising, provided, however, that we may seek and obtain interdict relief in any jurisdiction.

    At our sole discretion, we may require you to submit any disputes arising from this Agreement or otherwise arising out of or related to the Services or Content, including without limitation disputes arising from or concerning their interpretation, violation, invalidity, non-performance, or termination, to final and binding.

    Any cause of action or claim you may have arising out of or relating to this agreement, the Services, or Content, or the use thereof must be commenced within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues; otherwise, such cause of action or claim is permanently barred. If any portion of this Agreement is deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction, this Agreement as a whole shall not be deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable, but only that portion of this Agreement that is unlawful, void or unenforceable shall be stricken from this Agreement.

    You agree that this Agreement is specifically enforceable by injunctive relief and other equitable remedies without proof of monetary damages or the necessity of posting bond.

    You agree that if we do not exercise or enforce any legal right or remedy which is contained in the Agreement (or which we have the benefit of under any applicable law), this will not be taken to be a formal waiver of our rights and that those rights or remedies will still be available to us. Any waiver of our rights or remedies, or of any breach of this Agreement, must be in writing and signed by us. The terms of this Agreement, as amended, and the documents incorporated herein, constitute the sole and entire agreement between you and TheBox regarding the Agreement and the Services, and supersede all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations, and warranties, both written and oral, regarding the Services.

    The sections of "Submission of Content", "Your Profile Information and Account", "Submission of Content", "Intellectual Property Rights", "Digital Millennium Copyright Act", "Confidential Information", "Disclaimer of Warranties", "Third Party Sites and Content", "Limitation of Liability", "Indemnity" and "Miscellaneous" will survive any actual or purported termination or expiry of this Agreement and continue in full force and effect.

    13. Refunds

    If we made a mistake somewhere, we'll work with you to quickly resolve the matter. The Services do not offer refunds outside of an internal error.

    Under no circumstances shall we, the Services, or our affiliates be held responsible for overdraft charges incurred from your financial institution as a result of any purchases or renewals through or in connection with our Websites or other Services. It is the sole responsibility of you as a customer to ensure "overdraft fees," "overage fees," or "overlimit" or any other fees from your financial institution do not occur by taking the necessary action to avoid them. Furthermore, TheBox is not liable for any fees incurred due to billing errors.

    Subscriptions are billed on a monthly recurring or annual basis depending on the plan selected. Your credit card will be debited the full purchase amount on the date of your purchase. You represent and warrant that (i) the credit card information you supply to us or otherwise on or through the Services is true, correct and complete, (ii) you are duly authorised to use such credit card for the subscription or other purchase, (iii) charges incurred by you will be honoured by the credit card company, and (iv) you will pay charges incurred at the posted prices, including shipping and handling charges and all applicable taxes, if any, regardless of the amount quoted on or through the Services at the time of your subscription or other order. For an annual plan, the subsequent renewals will be billed in twelve month increments from initial purchase, until your annual Subscription is cancelled. For monthly plans, the subsequent renewals will be billed in monthly increments, beginning one month after the initial purchase, until your monthly Subscription is cancelled. We will not refund "unused" portions of a Subscription. If you decide to cancel after 3 days of initial payment, we will simply stop all further billing and your Subscription will expire at the end of your current billing period.

    A user may receive a refund of his/her initial signup payment if and only if they cancel the applicable paid service within 3 calendar days of account creation and have not initiated redemption of any Startup Benefits from third-party partners.

    Data Rights and Protection TheBox has the utmost respect for our customers’ privacy and information protection. Given the ever changing regulatory environment, we strive to stay ahead of the curve. In our mission to ethically and lawfully serve our customers we have the following policies in place in order to adhere to applicable international and domestic law:

    Obtaining Consent: TheBox wrote our terms of service to make it as understandable and straightforward as possible. Our valued customers are able to give and rescind consent at any time. If at any time you wish to remove consent, please email our Data Protection Officer at __@theBox. Additional details are provided below in our “Data Protection Officer” description.

    Timely Breach Notification: In the event of a data breach, TheBox will notify our associated data controllers and customers within 72 hours. In addition to outlining the nature of the breach, the breadth, and actions involved to remedy the situation will be detailed.

    Right to Data Access: If at any time a customer wishes to access his or her existing data profile, TheBox will provide a free electronic copy of the data we collected about that customer. This report will also include the various ways the information has been used.

    Right to Be Forgotten: If at any time a customer discontinues their relationship with TheBox, the customer can request that his or her personal data is wholly erased from our records. This can be done by contacting info@theboxlab.co.za.

    Data Portability: This gives users rights to their own data. Customers will be able to obtain their data from TheBox in an electronic report and reuse that same data in different environments outside of ours.

    Privacy by Design: TheBox has a full and detailed map of our data collection process and the various parties privy to that data. TheBox has specifically designed its systems and trained its staff to maintain customer privacy. We strive to continue to improve and adapt this design to be forward looking.

    Data Protection Officer: TheBox has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be reached at info@theboxlab.co.za, This internal officer will be able to rescind customer consent as requested, alert stakeholders of a data breach, provide access to data reports, ensure the right to be forgotten, establish data portability as requested, and oversee privacy by design with a fiduciary responsibility.